Even if you've been not just to Buenos Aires but also the pampas, Mendoza, Córdoba, Patagonia, and Iguazú Falls, that still leaves much more wonderful stuff to explore in Argentina....
We've all heard of amber, of course. Besides being (IMHO) a lovely female name, it has been prized by human beings as bling since prehistory. What many may not...
The last time I visited Buenos Aires, one of the most memorable days of the trip, was spent, ironically enough, in Uruguay. A comfy, Buquebus high-speed ferry ride away...
The hopping, happening district of Chile's capital between the Mapocho River and San Cristóbal Hill these days throbs with both colour and young people eager to take on the...
Oranges and lemons,
Say the bells of St. Clement's.
You owe me five farthings,
Say the bells of St. Martin's.
When will you pay me?
Say the bells of Old Bailey.
When I grow rich,
The small Central American country of Costa Rica is of course internationally famous as a beaches, adventure travel, and ecotourism powerhouse, drawing millions of visitors per year to its...
This city is famously dubbed "the Fat" - with affection, or course. And it's also known as "the erudite" and "the red" ("la grassa, la dotta, la rossa"). Why these three?...
Happily, powderhounds in withdrawal don’t have to hang on till December to hit the ski resorts. The Southern Hemisphere is happy to oblige us with some superb skiing on...
Costa Rica has cannily and famously leveraged its ecotourism riches into bank-account riches over the past several decades, but it wouldn’t have become Central America’s most successful destination without...