That air travel is the safest form of transportation going is not mere happenstance but rather due to rigourous maintenance of equipment and exhaustive training of personnel. (more…)
As you might expect, being an airline's airport station manager is a busy, complex job indeed, overseeing ground operations including ticketing, check-in, baggage, cargo services, and gate operations. And...
As we've been reminding you throughout 2017, we're in the midst of a big birthday this year: the 90th anniversary of our founding! We've been marking the occasion in...
We at Iberia have more than most shared humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarus to the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive...
We at Iberia have followed humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarusto the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive history and statistics...
We at Iberia have followed humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarusto the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive history and statistics...
We at Iberia have followed humanity's fascination with flight, from Greek mythology's Icarus to the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we've racked up...
Our inflight magazine continues its series marking Iberia's 90th birthday with Ronda Conversations, in which retired and current employees chat about their work, their lives, and how their experience...