Especially if you're a foodie, part of the joy of travelling is indulging in the authentic cuisine of every place you visit - plus eating opens windows into the local culture in the tastiest of ways.
As you explore various places in Morocco, there’s one delicious common denominator: a savoury and distinctive Maghrebi (North African) cuisine unlike any other we know of, drawing from Middle East, the rest of Africa, and even southern Spain.
More and more travellers - yours truly included - consider the pleasures of the palate an essential factor when planning a trip. Beyond museums, history and nature, which of...
For those who both love good food and love to travel, exploring new cuisines is always an appealing allure of exploring new countries. And in that sense, the South...
Samir Mendoza
The country that gave the world paella offers an impressive and mouthwatering bounty of cuisine - or more properly speaking, cuisines, with regional variations and specialities. And its...
As I travel around the Caribbean (and to some extent this is true in Latin America, too), I find nearly every island has some kind of homegrown hooch (often...
David Paul Appell
Spain's (and one of Europe's) most popular cities with visitors, Barcelona has also become famous for its cutting-edge culinary scene. But of course it's also Catalonia's capital...
Reckoned to have been brought to Europe (specifically, north central France) by an Armenian monk more than a thousand years ago, this spicy yet sweet holiday treat based on...
Ah, cheese. The Greeks called it "a gift from the gods", and 2,000 years later, who doesn't love it? Cheese has everything: it never goes out of style, there...