In past posts, we've provided psychological advice on how to alleviate anxiety or fear of flying, but physical approaches also have their place. If you're flying with a companion,...
We've already discussed in some detail how automatic negative thinking feeds anxiety about flying, and have suggested an exercise like the "four-column technique" to help minimise such thinking. Here's...
Sometimes automatic negative thoughts resist our strongest attempts to replace them with positive ones, assaulting us just when we remember that we're about to fly, or when we physically...
If you've been following our series on aerophobia, you've read my recent posts about a key feeder into such anxieties, namely, automatic negative thinking, and most recently an example of...
An example of what psychologists term “automatic negative thinking” which can contribute to the development of fear of flying – as well as then proceed to reinforce it on every flight...
In my last post I explained the concept of “automatic negative thinking,” and the good news is that though once you get caught in that loop it may seem...
As we’ve seen in previous posts, fear of flying is rooted in the auto-feedback loop between negative interpretation of something that happened on a particular flight and the ongoing...
Once those of us who experience anxiety about or fear of flying realise the importance of facing our fears, and have mastered some relaxation techniques, we can use both strategies to get...
When it comes to treating phobias and anxiety disorders – including fear of flying – many therapists consider the treatment of choice a modality called “exposure therapy,” which has...
Ann Dys
When children are scared of something, oftentimes the best way to handle the situation is to help them confront it. When that something is fear of flying, parents...