In the popular imagination, being an airline pilot is one of the most interesting and glamorous jobs out there. Many of us have questions on what it's like, so we asked five of those common questions, and here's what a couple of pilots told us.
The new "green revolution" in aviation is of supreme importance, and one of its most critical elements is the increasing use of biocombustibles – fuels derived from plants.
This doughty workhorse of the tarmac goes into action when it’s time to push an aircraft back from the gate at which it’s parked so that it can taxi out onto the runway. Fascinating to watch!
As consumers, one of the most delicious benefits of our globalised world - especially for foodies, but really, for anyone who eats, which is all of us - is...
As I discussed in my last post, knowing some of the basics of how flying works and how controlled it is can be of significant help in alleviating fears...
Many workplaces have "break rooms". For longhaul airline crews, this means a rest area that provides a space to get in some crucial sleep in order to be in...
Most of us have a fairly clear picture of the procedures passengers go through when they arrive at an airport: check-in, security, boarding, and so forth. And of course...
Even with all the signs and signals on the roads and motorways, all of us have at one time or another gotten lost whilst driving. It would be natural...