In 2024, civil aviation marks its 123rd year, and over those more than twelve decades crew uniforms have undergone numerous changes, Thos worn by airline pilots in particular are...
For thousands of years, humanity has dreamed of flying like birds, at least as far back as the ancient Greek myth of Daedalus and Icarus, and explored by the...
Behind more than a few of the great feats carried out by humankind have been thinly veiled or downright frank races between countries to be the first to achieve...
As with many other occupatings, there was a time when only men were in the cockpit. Even today, after more than a hundred years of aeronautical history, female pilots...
Beginning in the 1920s, Spain, was part of the 'aviation fever' of flying's early 'golden age', and proof of this was a series of daring and legendary expeditions by Spanish aviators.
The 22nd of September 1946 was a red-letter day: when Iberia became the first European airline to offer scheduled service to Latin America, flying Douglas DC-4s.
We at Iberia have followed humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarusto the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive history and statistics...
We at Iberia have followed humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarusto the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive history and statistics...
We at Iberia have followed humanity's fascination with flight, from Greek mythology's Icarus to the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we've racked up...