Cleanliness and safety of course come first with us here at Iberia Airlines, from the design of the cabin and fuselage to the operation of each flight. So in...
Did you know that the highest cost associated to a line-fit aircraft purchase corresponds to the engines? But whenever we board the aircraft… which is the first thing that...
We at Iberia have followed humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarusto the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive history and statistics...
We at Iberia have followed humanity’s fascination with flight, from Greek mythology‘s Icarusto the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we’ve racked up some pretty impressive history and statistics...
We at Iberia have followed humanity's fascination with flight, from Greek mythology's Icarus to the Wright Brothers to the latest, cutting-edge aviation technology. Along the way, we've racked up...
Many workplaces have "break rooms". For longhaul airline crews, this means a rest area that provides a space to get in some crucial sleep in order to be in...
Talking about aircraft naturally means talking about aircraft speed. That after all is the element that creates the airflow which in passing across the fuselage wings generates the lift...
Most of us have a fairly clear picture of the procedures passengers go through when they arrive at an airport: check-in, security, boarding, and so forth. And of course...