Murad Sargsyan Galstyan, Iberia Cabin Crew Member


Name: Murad Sargsyan Galstyan

Position: Cabin Crew Member

Nationality: Armenian

Residence: Madrid

Murad - Iberia - cabin -crew

How did you come to Iberia?

Since I was very young I have been travelling with my family, and when I started to have the use of reason and started to notice those people who welcomed us on the planes we took, and who looked after us during the trip, I immediately knew what I wanted to be: Cabin Crew staff.

Ever since I was a child, I have been passionate about planes; the thrill of the take-off run and the wonder of a machine weighing thousands of tons rising like a feather in the air.

Since I arrived in Spain, Iberia has always been a reference point for me: the airline of Spain, of that country that welcomed me and my family with open arms and that has now become our home.

So when the call for applications opened up, I didn’t hesitate for a moment to apply and become part of the Iberia family.


And to your current place of residence?

When I was born in 1992, my parents wanted to give me a better future because at that time the country was not at its best. So when I was one and a half years old, we moved to Russia, and soon after to Germany where my sister was born. After living in Germany for four years, we continued our search for the home that my parents wanted to give my sister and me.

We lived in Holland, Belgium and France, and finally in 1999 my parents found the place where they wanted to give us a better future, Spain!!!

We live most of the time in Malaga, but because of my profession I have been living in several cities, and currently I live in Madrid.


How have you adapted to the way of life in this country, both in terms of work and personal life?

It didn’t take me long, because when I came to Spain I was very young. But it did cost me a lot to separate my culture at home from the Spanish culture in the street, but even so, I’ve adapted very well. In fact, I always say that I am a Malagueño born in Armenia .


What differences do you notice between the two cultures?

Maybe they should move forward a bit more and not stay stuck in Soviet times.


What strikes you most about the Spaniards?

They are very friendly, and knowing that I am alone in Madrid, they treat me like another son.


Do you know any other compatriots who work at Iberia?

No, none, but I would love to.


What is your favourite spot in Madrid?

The “Parque de las 7 tetas” in Madrid. It’s a magical place where you can see the best sunsets I’ve ever seen.


A pending excursion

I have two pending excursions, the Camino de Santiago and getting lost in the jungles of Costa Rica.


Your dreamt Sunday

To spend the morning at a beach bar that I go to every time I go down to Malaga in the company of friends and family, ending the week with a sunset by the sea.