In 2024, civil aviation marks its 123rd year, and over those more than twelve decades crew uniforms have undergone numerous changes, Thos worn by airline pilots in particular are...
Commercial aviation has of course undergone countless improvements since the first flight – in 1911, with just eleven passengers – in the areas of safety, aesthetics, design, and more....
Traffic circuit manoeuvres are those done in the vicinity of the airport after take-off or before landing, a set of predefined trajectories which manage traffic around an airport, following a specific sequence which rarely varies.
If you've ever ridden aboard an Airbus A320 you may have heard a strange noise upon takeoff or landing. Some describe it as the barking of a dog; others like the sound a saw makes.
During radio communication, interference can makes it difficult to hear, and using letters of the alphabet alone can also be misinterpreted. So in order to prevent confusion, each letter was converted into an entire, universally agreed upon word, and one that's phonetically simple and pronounceable in many languages