5 Tips for Picking Your Next Iberia Destination


Are you one of those people who still spins the globe to find your next holiday destination? Well, OK, but let’s face it – that’s so 20th century! Nowadays especially, there’s a wealth of ways to identify the ideal place to explore and unwind and have the time of your life. Herewith some tips and considerations:

Who Are You?

We don’t mean philosophically. Your personality traits can help you pick your dream destination. Are you a crowd-loving people person? The Mediterranean coast in summer may just be your thing. But maybe you don’t do beaches, but love cycling. In that case, Amsterdam could be just the ticket. Bookworm? A more literary destination, perhaps Ireland. Party animal? Summertime Ibiza may hit the spot. Get the drift? Aligning your travel with your passions and interests could make for the best holiday ever.

What’s Your Budget?

Clearly a decisive factor: how much can you afford to spend on this trip? If resources are limited, consider a better experience in a less-expensive destination, rather than a more limiting experience in a more expensive one. Also, especially these days, make sure to leave some leeway for possible emergencies or disruptions so as not to break the bank; and if your health insurance is not valid in your destination, do consider buying a policy for the duration of your holiday.

Research Can Be Fun!

One tried-and-true way of getting travel ideas is to talk with friends, family and co-workers about fabulous places they’ve been. Keeping in mind, of course, that their tastes may be radically different from yours, and while Uncle Joe may have loved the all-inclusive beach resort experience, you might prefer camping or an urban boutique hotel.

Technology offers another great way, with all manner of blogs, travel sites, applications and social networks at your disposal. A good place to start is this very same blog, where you can explore our beautiful Iberia destinations, and you can also follow us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for ideas. Speaking of Instagram, it’s also a perfect place to follow some travel influencers that share your interests; their pictures and stories will inspire you to unleash your inner explorer. And as far as apps, some will even suggest destinations based on your budget and other parameters, so do use these tools to your advantage.

Check the Calendar

Another important issue to look into, once you narrow down destination and possible dates: what is going on there during the period you intend to visit? South Miami Beach during the spring college break, for example, is wall-to-wall young kids partying: either the time of your life, or a minor nightmare, going to back to “Who are you?” above. It pays to plan ahead.

What Are Your Dreams?

Maybe you’ve always dreamt of scaling the Matterhorn. Or sailing around the fjords of Norway. Or browsing Madrid’s enormous Rastro flea market on a Sunday morning. No matter what your dream, these recent times have not been easy on anyone. Maybe now is the time to finally make it come true.

And, of course, if after all this, you’re still at a loss as to where to spend your well-deserved holiday… you can still shut your eyes and spin that globe!