if you're travelling with someone in the grip of aerophobia - that is, fear of flying - the key words are understanding and empathy, and here are some tips to help.
One of the keys to managing fear of flying is to stop, pay attention to the thoughts you're having and question it. Is this thought real? Can I really guess what's going to happen in two days?
Aerophobia - fear of flying - often means giving up plans, friendships, or maintaining physical ties, all because of the anxiety caused by both the flight and the preparation leading up to it. But it doesn't have to be that way.
First and foremost, unsprprisingly, aircraft lights are used to improve visibility, since being seen significantly improves the safety of a form of transport that is already the world's safest.
Some steps caretakers of children with Autism Spectrum Discorder can take when planning a flight, and how to manage a crisis in case that preparation hasn't been enough.