Communing with Cowboys in Colombia


Welcome to the Llanos Orientales (Eastern Plains), also known as Orinoquía. The watershed of the world´s fourth largest river by volume, the Orinoco, is 285,000-plus square kilometres (a bit over 110,000 sq. miles) of mostly savannahs and wetlands covers some 18 percent of Colombia, offering impressive landscapes, unique ecosystems. and remarkable biodiversity just a couple of hours´ drive south of Bogotá. From the virgin plains of the north to the mysterious jungles of the south, every corner of this territory hides natural and cultural wonders that must be preserved for future generations. Join us on a journey to explore the fascinating beauty and importance of the Colombian Llanos as one of the most emblematic and sacred natural places in this country.

What Makes This Region so Special?

Imagine a land where the sun bathes extensive savannahs, transforming them during the rainy season into green seas full of life, flooding the landscape with up to a meter of water. This natural paradise is home to an impressive biological diversity, housing more than one hundred species of mammals and more than 700 species of birds, making it a true wildlife sanctuary that attracts nature lovers from all over the world.

But that’s not all, delve into the magic of Caño Cristales, known as the “River of Five Colors”. Here, the aquatic plant Macarenia clavigera paints the waters with stunning shades of pink, yellow, blue, green, red and black under the sun’s rays. This natural phenomenon is a unique visual spectacle which reflects the purity and diversity of the local ecosystem, a natural and cultural wonder that you cannot miss.

The Life of a Cowboy in the Llanos Orientales

South America´s most famous cowboys are of course the gauchos of Argentina, but these plains also have a rich, centuries-old culture of llaneros and llaneras, centred in and around the city of Villavicencio (pop. around 531,000). To live like a llanero is to immerse yourself in a world of hard work and deep connection with nature, and a number of guest ranches include a schedule that includes some key aspects of their daily lives, such as: Horseback riding: Enjoy horseback riding in the perfect terrain of the Llanos, an unforgettable experience for adventure lovers.

  • Morning Milking: Starts early in the day.
  • Lassoing and Herding: Learn to lasso and guide livestock, a skill passed down from generation to generation.
  • Horseback riding: Enjoy leisurely rides across the plains – an unforgettable experience for adventure lovers.

Each October, Villavicencio also welcomes some 200,000 visitors to the World Coleo Meetingcoleo being a Colombian and Venezuelan llanero form of rodeo. This event sees cowboys riding, chasing, and taking down steers with skill and strength, while a festive touch is added by joropo music and dancing reminiscent of the fandango and typical of the Colombian and Venezuelan llanos; among other things it´s characterised by the use of the
maracas, harp, and a small traditional Colombian guitar. What´s more, during the first week of April the city also hosts the International Joropo Tournament.  

Exploring the Plains on a Jeep Safari

This is a unique sensory experience. From the seat of the vehicle you enter an immense and changing scenario, where the savannahs extend to the horizon and the blue sky merges with the green of the vegetation as the tour takes you along winding roads and trails marked by the footprints of local fauna. Sightings include herds of capybaras, the world´s largest rodents, moving gracefully through the tall grass; giant anteaters; along the rivers and lagoons, massive anaconda snakes as well as alligators sunning themselves on the banks; and exotic birds such as herons, ibis, and the elusive hoatzin, whose striking colors contrast with the landscape. The jeep becomes your platform to observe this wildlife up close, with strategic stops to capture in photographs those unique moments of nature in action. And being as this is the land of cowboys, it´s no surprise that horseback safaris are also available.

Speaking of cowboys, in addition to the animal show, the safaris also offers encounters with them and learn about their culture and traditions as well as the typical joropo resonating from the nearby ranches. You´ll get a dose of history, too, in the form of the rock art of sites like the Cerro Azul cave in San José del Guaviare, a bit under five hours by car from Villavicencio, made by tribes who lived on these land a millennium ago.

Enjoying the Cuisine of the Llanos

The region´s main dish is ternera a la llanera (aka mamona), veal marinated in beer and salt and roasted over wood and served with cassava, potatoes, and plantains; it can also be accompanied by a stew or sauce based on chili. Others local favourites include rice bread and arepas, cassava bread, tungos (a kind of rice-flour wrap), and guarapo (sugarcane juice).

So what are you waiting for? Come discover Colombia´s Eastern Plains with Iberia for an eco- and cultural adventure you´ll remember for years to come!


Photo | chuanchai