John Eberty Ribeiro, a Brazilian in Spain


Name: John Eberty Ribeiro Goncalves

Position: Passenger cabin crew

Nationality: Brazilian

Country of residence: Spain


– Role and brief description of your job.

I am a PCC at Iberia and my main task is to ensure passengers’ safety throughout the flight.


– How did you start working for Iberia? And how did you come to live at your current place of residence?

Arriving in Iberia was a coincidence, because, while I was studying for my degree, I started looking for work and I saw cabin crew jobs at other airlines. So, I thought about the airline with which I flew from Brazil to Spain: Iberia.

Madrid is a beautiful city where I came to study. At first I lived in Aranjuez where I fell in love with nature and tranquility. Later, I moved to the capital, which offers a lot of leisure and tourism possibilities.


– How have you adapted to the way of life in Spain, both in terms of work and your personal life?

I adapted easily and fast. I really like sports, specifically football, which has helped me make friends wherever I’ve been in Spain.

There are a lot of similarities between Spaniards and Brazilians, and both are very warm and affectionate.

Adapting to my job has not been different, because my first job was in Spain, in a family business.


– Can you tell us about the differences you observe between the two cultures?

Despite being very similar, there are some cultural differences. On the one hand, I would highlight the joy of Brazilians, which is propelled by our music and dances. In addition, there is greater family contact in Brazil, not only during Christmas.

When I arrived in Spain, what surprised me the most was the “siesta” and the late lunch hour.

On the other hand, the love that exists for reading and for the great Spanish writers is something I admire.


– What stands out the most about the Spanish for you?

The Spanish are friendly people who try to quickly integrate others into their environment. You don’t see this as much in other European countries.


– Do you know any other compatriots working at Iberia?

At Iberia, I know two other Brazilians. One of them is my sister.😊


– What is your favourite spot in the city?

Madrid has many nice and pleasant spaces; it is difficult to choose just one. I really like tranquility and peace and quiet, and for this reason, whenever I can, I walk to the Parque Lineal, which is located south of Madrid.

– A place you’d love to visit.

For a few months I have been planning a trip to a small town in the north of the Community of Madrid called Buitrago del Lozoya.


– Your perfect Sunday.

My ideal Sunday is to enjoy the best that Madrid has to offer. First, a breakfast of churros with hot chocolate, a short walk through a park and then a trip to the theatre, or to listen to a monologue.