Maria Luigia Musone, an italian in Spain


Name: Maria Luigia Musone

Role: Passenger cabin crew

Nationality: Italian

Place of residence: Spain


– Role and brief description of your job.

I am a short- and medium-haul cabin crew member. My main role is to guarantee safety on the plane and to ensure passengers have a super pleasant flight.


– How did you start working for Iberia? And how did you come to live in your current place of residence?

Although I was born and raised in Italy, I have always had a very strong relationship with Spain. My mother is a Spanish teacher. She was pregnant with me when she took her last Spanish test in her degree, and I always like to think that it was then that the love for this wonderful language and country sprouted in me.

When I was little, she always took me on her trips to Madrid – the first flight of my life had to be with Iberia, of course 😉.

When I was able to become independent, I was very determined that it had to be in Madrid, which has always seemed like “my home away from home”. And now I’m the one who takes momma on the plane.


– How have you adapted to the way of life in this country, both professionally and personally?

On a personal level it has been challenging, and it took a good deal of courage because at the age of 19 I came alone, leaving my family in Naples. I would not have dared to go anywhere else but Madrid. Spain, among many things, has offered me the opportunity to get my first and most special job. And the people I’ve met at work have made me want to make it my life’s work.


– What differences do you notice between the two cultures?

Although we are first cousins, I think that the Spanish are more informal and very open, and that fits with my way of being. Although I can no longer live without my Spanish breakfast of toast with tomato and oil, I still can’t get used to the meal times, which tend to be much later here.


– What stands out the most about the Spanish for you?

Their kindness and their way of enjoying life: the fact that there is always an opportunity to go out for a drink.


– Do you know any other Italians who work at Iberia?

Yes! There is a Little Italy in Iberia. It always makes me especially excited when I see an Italian surname in the crew. I love working with them and also with the Spaniards who are in love with my country and take the opportunity to practice their Italian.


– What is your favorite spot in Madrid?

I am in love with my neighbourhood, but if I had to choose a place I would say the Retiro Park and, above all, the Palacio de Cristal. It’s the first place I take my Italian friends when they come to see me.


A place you’d love to visit.


My best friend Jorge loves nature and hiking. When he can escape from the city, he goes to the Sierra de Guadarrama, which I have yet to discover with him.

– Your perfect Sunday.

Fortunately (or unfortunately), I am an early riser even on my days off. I get up quite early and start by taking a walk until I get to Alma Nomad Bakery, my favourite bakery in Chamberí. With my warm ham and cheese croissant I sit on a bench in Plaza Olavide and play with the dogs that pass by.

From there I walk through the Salamanca neighborhood and arrive at the Retiro.

At aperitif time, like a good Madrilenian, I go back to Calle Ponzano, and then, like a good Italian, I sit in Mercato Italiano and have an Aperol Spritz with focaccia di mortadella 😊. I like to end the day at the Vía Láctea in Malasaña because I love their vibes and the music they play.