Ynés Vargas, a Dominican Iberia Employee in Spain


Name: Ynés Vargas

Position: Employee of Transformation Department in the
Airports Division

Nationality: Dominican Republic

Residence: Spain 

Position and duties: I work in the Airports Division and I belong to the Transformation Department, where we design and carry out airport improvement projects.


How did you reach Iberia? And Spain?

I’ve been living in Madrid for 25 years. I came on holiday, and when I got to know this city I decided to return home to finish my university studies and then move here to live.

I joined Iberia 20 years ago. I had dreamed of working for this company because when I was nine years old my mother worked in the home of a woman who was a check-in supervisor at the Santo Domingo airport. I was fascinated by everything she told me about her work.

Years later, now living in Spain, I was having lunch at the home of some friends when I mentioned my ambition to work for Iberia, and somebody said that would never happen, since it was a Spanish company for Spanish people. That’s what inspired me to find out for myself. So I did. And it wasn’t true!

How have you adapted to living and working in Spain?

Fantastically well. Spain is a wonderful country, and Iberia is a wonderful place to work. In Spain and at work I can be myself, and though I am perfectly adapted, I continue to mix my two cultures and use the best of both in my personal life and my job.

What differences have you observed between the two cultures?

There are many differences, but perhaps the character of the people is the biggest one. We Dominicans are much more open and more touchy-feely and expressive of our feelings. Spaniards are a bit more reserved and distant.

What impresses you most about Spaniards?

I’m very used to Spanish ways, but perhaps what I most notice is the greater standoffishness, and even bluntness or inexpressiveness, in comparison to us Dominicans.

Do you know any other Dominicans at Iberia

Unfortunately I don’t!

What’s your favourite spot in Madrid?

There are so many. The Paseo del Pintor Rosales, the Gran Vía, the Retiro park, the Plaza de Oriente

A day trip you’re planning?


 Your ideal Sunday

A Sunday in winter, all day long in my pyjamas on the sofa watching television with my husband and my son!