8 Tips from our Pilots to Face Fear of Flying


Although air travel is one of the safest mean of transport, you may belong to the 25% of the population that still feels nervous or fearful about flying.

Fear of flying is certainly irrational, and it is also very inconvenient, and it can keep you from getting to know new places, sights, people, and cultures.

So, let’s see if some expert advice can help you to overcome those fears!

Here are eight tips from our pilots to keep you from remaining stuck on the ground.

Jorge, Captain, Long-haul Flights

More alcohol doesn’t help

Lots of people believe that a drink before or during your flight will make you braver. But the fact is that, after a short interval, it actually makes you more nervous.

Think of turbulence as waves in the ocean

Many people feel afraid when an aircraft is shaken by air turbulence. Try thinking of turbulence as waves in the sea, the only difference being that we cut across them more quickly in the sky –hence the bumpiness.

There will normally be an episode or two of light turbulence on any long-haul flight.

You may feel alarmed during a bumpier part of a flight, but aircraft design and maintenance. along with cockpit crew expertise, together mean there is nothing to worry about.

All major aircraft systems are redundant –duplicated or even triplicated.

If you worry about some mechanical or electronic failure, stop! Redundancies built in to aircraft mean that such failures, rare as they are,  will never cause serious problems, since key systems are all backed up for maximum safety.

José Luis, Captain and Short- and Medium-haul Fleet Manager

Don’t be surprised or concerned about noises or ventilation intensity

These are explained by the constant adjustments of the engines, especially during take-offs, climbs, and landing approaches.

Turbulence can be uncomfortable, but nor dangerous

Modern radar and early detection system enable us to avoid turbulence most of the time, but not always.

It doesn’t matter, since aircraft are designed to withstand higher levels of turbulence than are ever encountered in the real world!

Modern aviation is all about risk avoidance

Today there is less tolerance of bad weather, more careful selection and training of flight crews –who have shorter hours and more rest– better aircraft maintenance, and more automated aircraft which incorporate all the most advanced technology to ensure your safety.

Air Traffic Control is another safety factor

Airports used by commercial airlines are equipped with the most modern navigation aids and traffic control systems and protocols, all of which are designed to guarantee your safety in the air.

In sum, we’ve thought of everything, and your pilots are there to ensure that nothing bad can happen. So relax, fasten your seatbelt, and enjoy your flight!

Images|Mateusz Atroszko