Aerophobia - fear of flying - often means giving up plans, friendships, or maintaining physical ties, all because of the anxiety caused by both the flight and the preparation leading up to it. But it doesn't have to be that way.
Some steps caretakers of children with Autism Spectrum Discorder can take when planning a flight, and how to manage a crisis in case that preparation hasn't been enough.
Anxiety is an overreaction by the body to a potentially stressful situation, and it can be a physiological response that can be quite intense, and come to affect the actions of fearful flyers. If this includes you, here's why and here's how to manage it.
Some strategies might in the short term give you the illusion of security, relief, and control, but in the long run they can perpetuate or even increase those fears and insecurities.
by guest blogger Crea Sentido Psicología
In today's hectic, nonstop world, where so often we rush about with nary a glance at each other, we hardly have time for ourselves,...
Of the roughly 70,000 thoughts the average person has each day, naturally the ones that will stick most vividly in the mind are related to a danger to ourselves, loss of control, or fear of suffering or dying.