What to Do if You Lose Something Onboard or at the Airport


All of us have had it happen, on holiday or business trips: Lots of packing, unpacking, and moving around in general make it likely that something or other will go missing along the way. And sometimes you´ll inevitably leave something behind on your flight or at an airport. Sometimes it will be trivial, not worth worrying about. But when it´s not – when the item in question is valuable, either monetarily or sentimentally – the important thing is not to panic but instead proceed to the airport´s lost property office.

At Iberia it´s important for us to ensure the peace of mind and well being of our passengers, as well as the security of their property. For this reason, the airline has a specific office for lost property at all airports, where you can go if you have forgotten one of their belongings on the plane or in a VIP lounge. But it´s important that:

  • Personal identification documents (such as national ID cards, passports, driving licences, etc.) are handed over to the airport authorities.
  • Due to storage limitations, forgotten personal items are kept for a maximum of one month from the date they are located. 
  • Perishable products are disposed of after 24 hours. 

Recovering Your Lost Property

We also offer other options to recover belongings. Once the company staff or the airport authorities encounter an item, it will be sent to the Oficina Central de Objetos Perdidos (Central Lost Property Office) to be registered on a special dedicated lost-and-found platform called Foundspot, and the usual time frame to collect it is between one day and three weeks. Occasionally items are received outside this time frame when they´re found in distant branches or for some reason that may delay their processing.

To locate something, log into Foundspot and fill out all fields in its application form, as well as to providing as many relevant additional details as possible to help identify the item or items (such as brands, specific descriptions, and so forth). Other crucial bits of information to provide are the date and location of loss, and your contact details.

After registering your items on the platform, the system will detect if there are matches them your lost item and those which have been previously located. If you receive an email confirming a match, you must confirm it and then click on the “Proceed to send” button and fill out the form to process the order. However, due to restricted access it´s not possible to go in person to the same office to collect the item.


Photo | Cunaplus_M.Faba