For #SpottersDay this past June 5, we invited planespotters in Spain (and for anyone who doesn’t know what they are, here’s a primer) to participate in a contest to capture the coolest shots of our fleet. And did we get some good ones – all shared on Twitter or Instagram with the hashtag #WeLoveSpotters . And we’d like to share the dozen winners with you here!
1. @jm_kike
2. @EPO346
3. @CGonzF
4. @dc10joaquin
5. @MontserratPin
6. @MontserratPin
7. @Steps_Engineer
8. @arranz7
9. @NeiraMateos
10. @norbertargy
11. @Luismicomico
12. @mrodriguezpg
A hearty congratulations and thanks to all who partcipated – you’re all real planespotting virtuosos!