Iberia’s 90th Anniversary, a Word from the VIP Lounge


RRPP en Sala Vip

Our inflight magazine continues its series marking Iberia’s 90th birthday with Ronda Conversations, in which retired and current employees chat about their work, their lives, and how their experience of Iberia has evolved over the years. This time out we’re focussing on the airport VIP lounges, where public-relations-trained professionals do their utmost to help premium passengers feel at home (spoiler alert: their best tool is that arrangement of dozens of facial muscles known as the smile :)).

^BBF712ABF972953109E46BA069AE5D9BBA56A5685414FA48B7^pimgpsh_fullsize_distrMaría Luisa Alcubierre was public relations supervisor until just three years ago. Now, having a chat with the current head of the premium-client tream, Alberto Sal, the two of them compare how their jobs have come along over time, as well as swapping advice and tips. They agree that what hasn’t changed is that empathy, closeness, and a humane approach are key fundamentals in dealing with VIP lounge clients, as well as getting a leg up on the competition.

For Alberto, every client is a VIP, and his aim is to get everyone as relaxed as possible in preparation for their upcoming flight. Because the Iberia experience starts on the ground, with top-notch facilities and employees who care.

Read the latest Ronda Conversation here.